Welcome to my Blog:

In my professional career I am a bookkeeper, I work full time and I am a part time student at Walsh College. I am married with 3 beautiful daughters, 1 married, 1 bought her own home, and 1 still home. I also have a pair of Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s, my females name is Babe and her husbands name is Lightning. (shhh) they think they are my children. I guess because I treat them as if they are. LOL….. In my journey through mother hood I have been patiently waiting for grandbabies, so in the mean time I have 3 Grand-dogs and 3 Grand-cats. But I think we may be experiencing Great Grand-Puppies…

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Exercise time.....

I found this new way to get the corgi's to exercise. check it out at:  http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/57aw  I think that I am going to research the price of tetherball equipment.... LOL

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