Welcome to my Blog:

In my professional career I am a bookkeeper, I work full time and I am a part time student at Walsh College. I am married with 3 beautiful daughters, 1 married, 1 bought her own home, and 1 still home. I also have a pair of Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s, my females name is Babe and her husbands name is Lightning. (shhh) they think they are my children. I guess because I treat them as if they are. LOL….. In my journey through mother hood I have been patiently waiting for grandbabies, so in the mean time I have 3 Grand-dogs and 3 Grand-cats. But I think we may be experiencing Great Grand-Puppies…

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We have 5 Babies!

Well St. Patrick's day was an extremely busy one! We have 5 Babies! 3 Girls and 2 Boys... We are all so excited! Reign had a very busy day, at times I don't think she knew what was going on especially beings this is her first litter of puppies! They all seem healthy and are all extremely busy all ready! Papa stayed by her side all day as Nana had lots to do and Mommy had to work all day! But in the end it was a wonderful day! Besides it is awesome to have a birthday on St. Patrick's day!

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