Welcome to my Blog:

In my professional career I am a bookkeeper, I work full time and I am a part time student at Walsh College. I am married with 3 beautiful daughters, 1 married, 1 bought her own home, and 1 still home. I also have a pair of Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s, my females name is Babe and her husbands name is Lightning. (shhh) they think they are my children. I guess because I treat them as if they are. LOL….. In my journey through mother hood I have been patiently waiting for grandbabies, so in the mean time I have 3 Grand-dogs and 3 Grand-cats. But I think we may be experiencing Great Grand-Puppies…

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The results are in:

Well I guess there is good news and bad news. Babe's sugar is still real high, we are going to have to increase her insulin, and test more blood in a week or two. Lightnings blood was clean other than he has a  thyroid disorder. So both of my corgis will be on medication to try and make them feel better.... I am really looking forward to better days ahead.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Saturday Doctor Visits

Saturday was the day to take the corgi's to the vet for check ups and blood work. Babe the oldest and the Alpha dog has Diabetes. She was diagnosed last October, and we have been treating her with injections of insulin twice a day. Her days of doggie cookies are limited, now that her diet is restricted. the Dr's have suggested plenty of fruits and vegtables to be added to her diet which we have and now we have positive progress. We are still waiting on the blood results to come in (they sent them out) that way we will know if we need to adjust her medication, but things are starting to look good, and shes a lot healthier. Since October she has managed to lose 11lbs 2 ozs. For a little dog that is alot. That was 1/4 of her weight in a very short time. 

Lightning has alergies in his eyes and eye drops are now on his list of to dos. He also has had blood work to check for diabetes. With having so many pets in the family, I have found that Wilson's Vet hospital on Van Dyke in Romeo has an excelent team of doctors.  They have an emergency clinic on the south side of the building, and the north side of the building is the regular clinic for people who have appointments. If interested in checking them out follow this link: http://wilsonvethospital.com/. It might be a little bit of a ride, but it might be worth the ride.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is it Spring?

This weather is just crazy!  I try to monitor the time that my pets are outside especially in the cold. but Ive been starting to think Spring and pet safety. I moved last year to a new house and I am looking at a few new places to walk the dogs and get some well needed exercise. I came accross this web site on pet safety: http://yhoo.it/xDNN81 I found many tips to be well deserved not only for your pet but for you too! 
Check it out and have a safe spring!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents Day!

I usually don't write about government holidays, especially since most of the country don’t get the day off, but I happened on this article today on Yahoo http://yhoo.it/AFx9tK As a pet freak, I think that this was an interesting read, we all read so much on the history of each president, but not allot is written on who really ruled the White House? Yes, it is the 1st pets... I found this as an interesting read, to learn all the different pets that our presidents housed at the White House.... There are so many different types of animals; I think that your going to be surprised on what managed to be raised at the White House! Simply amazing!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Guess what?  The Detroit Kennel club dog show is less that a month away. March 3rd and 4th at Cobo arena. I'm sure their are still good seats available... I have never been to a dog show, but I am excited and I think we are going to go. (I would prefer a puppy show) "OMG" Could you imagine, I would probably fill my pockets with babies... lol

Check out this site: http://www.detroitkennelclub.com/

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gus Gus
Introducing Gus, Gus.... Gus is my middle grand cat, yes I have three. Gus was in a playful mood last weekend and loved to have is picture taken (Just before he bit me) Gus has a brother Jasper, and a sister Baxter. Baxter was named before her parents figured out that he is a she.....

Today has been a wild wierd day, work was crazy!  I am fighting a bad cold, energy level is zero, but when I got home from work, I went to visit Zoey & Thunder..... They really love me!!! I was smothered with kisses and hugs and they wanted to be on my lap, whats funny is how they try to push each other out of the way. They would wedge themselves between myself and the other. First Zoey, then Thunder would wedge in... It was so funny! What a viscious circle!  They made me feel better just being with them. So happy I went to see them!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Goal: Get through the super bowl weekend healthier

The ”Granddog’s” actually behaved while I was in and out most of the weekend. So I am going to reward them with some special treats this week. With the corgi’s being overweight, and Reign pregnant (?) I have been looking for some healthier alternatives to the snack jar. With it being February and everyone still trying to stay on track with New Year’s resolutions and trying to live healthier and the lose weight kick, I thought why not work with the “Dog’s”. This month’s sales ad  at Pet Supplies Plus headline reads; "There’s a little too much of me to love". Fits my dogs to a tee; check it out at  http://bit.ly/zJAVSC I always check their sales first because their location is convenient, clean, pet friendly, and they have the lowest prices in chesterfield.

This month they have Science Diet dog food on sale for Half Price. I usually don’t use this brand, but I think I am going to try the weight management type, at least if they dont like it, it will not hurt my pocket book too much.... What can it will hurt.  Along with diet change I have been trying to increase their activities and walk the dogs a bit more each day. With the current Michigan weather its a win win situation! Who would have thought that we would have such wonderful weather in February! My pets love it! Although Lightning, is the odd ball, he loves it cold and his favorite time to play is during snow storms. We usually have to beg him to come in. But in the meantime, they have been sunning themselves and I think they are dreaming of tropical beaches (lol) seriously the weather is making them more energetic and friskier!  

$$“Fantastic Super Bowl Weekend” the weekend has proven to be a great one! $$ Plenty of Food, Family & Fun! and we all managed to stay on the healthier road! YEAH!