Welcome to my Blog:

In my professional career I am a bookkeeper, I work full time and I am a part time student at Walsh College. I am married with 3 beautiful daughters, 1 married, 1 bought her own home, and 1 still home. I also have a pair of Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s, my females name is Babe and her husbands name is Lightning. (shhh) they think they are my children. I guess because I treat them as if they are. LOL….. In my journey through mother hood I have been patiently waiting for grandbabies, so in the mean time I have 3 Grand-dogs and 3 Grand-cats. But I think we may be experiencing Great Grand-Puppies…

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents Day!

I usually don't write about government holidays, especially since most of the country don’t get the day off, but I happened on this article today on Yahoo http://yhoo.it/AFx9tK As a pet freak, I think that this was an interesting read, we all read so much on the history of each president, but not allot is written on who really ruled the White House? Yes, it is the 1st pets... I found this as an interesting read, to learn all the different pets that our presidents housed at the White House.... There are so many different types of animals; I think that your going to be surprised on what managed to be raised at the White House! Simply amazing!


  1. This is very interesting. It is crazy that Thomas Jefferson had two grizzly bears. I think that whatever breed of dog the current president has, the demand of that particular breed increases greatly.

    1. I agree with you! I never heard of a Portuguese Water Dog befoe but hes kinda cute, and his name being Bo I think makes him even cuter. but imagine having a pair of grizzly's in the backyard. I think that would make them out be great guard bear's...lol
